

The coyote is a medium-sized wild canid with slender legs, small feet, prominent erect 尖尖的耳朵,窄窄的尖嘴. 30.5-38.1厘米(12-15英寸)尾巴是浓密的 和下垂. 每只脚都有四个爪状脚趾来支撑重量. 第五个脚趾 每只脚都缩小了,带着露爪,不接触地面. The rather course fur consists of long guard hairs that overlap the dense underfur. 淡黄色的眼睛有圆圆的瞳孔. 土狼的上方是灰色、红色或黄色 棕色中夹杂着黑色. 腹部颜色较淡. 黑色斑块出现在底部 尾巴的尖端,还有脚踝的前表面. 上表面 of the feet, backs of the ears, nape, muzzle, and outsides of the legs are tan or 红褐色的. 颜色的相对数量和混合在个体之间是不同的. 红色的, 黑色和苍白(金色)的颜色阶段发生.

(犬属latrans 说)

来自: 桑德斯,D. A. 1988. 阿迪朗达克哺乳动物. 博彩平台环境科学学院 和林业. 216pp.

土狼是栖息在阿迪朗达克公园的最大的野生犬科动物. (灰色的,或者 灰狼(犬属红斑狼疮 Linnaeus) was present in the Adirondacks until the late 1800’s, when it was extirpated). Averaged-sized adult coyotes are about 122 cm (48 in) in total length, and weigh 10.9-17.7 公斤(24-39磅). 雄性比雌性重. 有一些阿迪朗达克的记录 重达22磅的土狼.7-25公斤(50-55磅). A 33.9 kg (74.8磅重的土狼,在州内捕获 代表了最大的重量.

Coydog和brush wolf是美国东北部郊狼的口语化名称. 太多的困惑 关于土狼的分类存在争议. 这源于土狼的 suspected interbreeding with the gray wolf when the coyote spread eastward across 加拿大,然后是家犬(C. 后裔),随着范围向南扩展到美国.S. 郊狼、灰狼和家犬 能够杂交并产生可育后代). 规模越大,趋势越大 to live in large family groups (both wolf-like characters), and the resemblance of some coyotes to wolves or dogs are reasons often cited as evidence of possible interbreeding. 郊狼是否与灰狼杂交还不清楚. 然而,一些杂交 between dogs and coyotes may have occurred in the early stages of the coyote’s range 扩展到纽约. 今天,土狼繁殖真,我.e.交配产生土狼; 不是混血儿,但有些分类学家认为这种动物是混血儿 犬属latrans var.东部土狼.

No single trait distinguishes the coyote from the wolf or dog, but combinations of 行为、身体和生理信息会把他们分开. 血清学 studies are the only means of determining the “eastern” coyote’s ancestry, for example, 混血狗或狼对基因库的可能贡献. 这样的 研究是作为博彩平台- esf阿迪朗达克野生动物项目的一部分进行的.


其分布范围从阿拉斯加北部到哥斯达黎加. 正式地说,土狼是一只 resident of the Great Plains and Southwest, but has extended its range, mainly during 本世纪. 造成范围扩大的因素尚不清楚, but may include deforestation, increased agriculture, and in some cases, the extirpation 灰狼遍布北美洲的大部分地区. 以前是灰狼 可能是通过攻击或捕食将土狼排除在其活动范围之外.

The coyote first appeared in the Adirondacks between 1920-40, and by 1950, occurred 整个公园,包括中部地区. 这个物种急剧增加 上世纪70年代初,现为常住居民. 虽然我们对……知之甚少 the elevational range and habitat preference of this species in the Adirondacks, coyotes 似乎在低海拔地区更为丰富,那里鹿很常见.

土狼用洞穴来养育幼崽,否则就躺在地上. 洞穴 通常是其他哺乳动物的洞穴,但雌性可以自己挖洞吗. 被遗弃的 buildings, hollow logs, rocky crevices, and other naturally occurring cavities are 额外的巢穴. 挖掘出的洞穴直径约为30-43厘米(7-12英寸).5-7.5 长5-25英尺,通常有几个入口.


The coyote is an adaptable, versatile omnivore, combining the strategies of a predator (hunting alone, in pairs, or in family groups, occasionally even with other species) 用食腐动物的手. 食物种类从菜园蔬菜到大型食草动物都有 (porcupines, beavers, white-tailed deer) and even occasionally carnivores (otters, fishers), although in the latter case, an individual may be killed but not eaten. Some coyotes become specialists, preying upon livestock and poultry which has been the main incentive for the numerous studies about feeding habits and other aspects 土狼生态学. 1975年至1980年的一项研究,基于收集的1303份土狼粪便 near Newcomb, Essex County, determined that the white-tailed deer was the primary 四季的食物,其次是雪靴兔. 最高发生率 of small mammals, often the primary prey of coyotes living in other parts of the state, 是6.6%的夏季样本. 当前研究的初步结果 suggest comparable findings in winter, but a greater importance of insects, fruits 和浆果,以及夏季和秋季的海狸(加里·布伦迪奇,pers. 通讯.).

土狼s can, and do, kill healthy adult deer as well as fawns, and deer of all ages 因饥饿或其他原因而虚弱的. 土狼也吃死鹿. 目前, coyote represents the dominant carnivore in the Adirondack Park, a niche formerly 被灰狼占领了.

The precise nature of the coyote’s impact on Adirondack deer has yet to be determined. However, coyote predation can be included as one of several factors acting together 在任何一年,这都可能影响鹿群的数量. 这些因素包括 winter severity and length, snow depth, condition of winter and summer range, predation by other species such as the black bear (fawn predation), and local levels of poaching.


土狼一年四季都很活跃. 旅行(尤其是在茂密的森林里)是 often along logging roads, and in winter on deer and snowmobile trails, or over the 河流和湖泊的冰. 厚厚的松散的雪阻碍了旅行. 四季皆如此 travel routes may be used for weeks or months, and during a 24-hour period a coyote 可行驶5-16公里(3-10英里). 更多的活动发生在黄昏(黄昏)和黄昏 黑夜开始的几个小时比白天的几个小时要长.  

The typical gait is walking or trotting, but a coyote may attain speeds of 56-69 km/h (35-43英里/小时),例如在追逐猎物时. 郊狼游得很好,而且很有能力 至少是0.8 km (0.5 mi). 这个物种以警惕著称,而且 通常避开人类. 在夏末,郊狼经常出没 阿迪朗达克城镇和小村庄的边缘. 这些动物中有许多可能是幼崽 年度报告.


土狼在1月至3月交配(2月是高峰期). 母熊每年产一胎, 大约63天(范围58-65)后,在4月或5月. 幼崽的数量 大约6只,但产仔数从4到12只不等. 新生的土狼幼崽重227-275克.7 奥兹),是盲目的,并覆盖着短,毛茸茸的皮毛. 眼睛在两周时睁开,而且很快 此后,幼崽可能会短途旅行到巢穴的入口. 断奶发生在 5-9 weeks, or about the same time the pups no longer return to the den, but wait for 它们的父母会把猎物带回集合地点. 年轻人达到了成年人的体重 大约9个月大,有些可能在这个年龄分散. 其他人则留在或 在父母身边再待一年. 两性都能在10-11个月时繁殖, 但可能要等到22个月大的时候. 可利用的营养(尤其是对女性) and social factors (density of coyote population, dominance relationships) are important determinants of not only age of first breeding but also litter size and survival. Potential longevity is 18 years, but few individuals in the wild survive 6-10 years.


Adult coyotes have no predators, although several large flesh-eating animals may occasionally 捕食幼崽. 土狼可能会杀死或捕食其他土狼,但频率 造成致命碰撞的条件并不为人所知. 狩猎和诱捕, disease and accidents, especially collisions with motor vehicles, are major sources 死亡的.  


  • 社会制度 - The social organization and mating system of the coyote in the Adirondacks are unknown. However, casual observations, and information obtained from telemetered (radio-collared) coyotes monitored to determine their response to artificial sounds, as well as data 来自其他地区的土狼表明了一种可变的、复杂的社会模式. 的大小, relative abundance, and distribution of prey, and local density of coyotes appear 成为土狼社会体系的主要决定因素. 这在成人中有所不同 that are seasonally monogamous and occupy overlapping home ranges to adults that are permanently monogamous or polygamous, live in family groups, and maintain more or 不那么专属的领土. 森林生境的活动范围(领土)面积较大 (approximately 70-100 sq km; 27-39 sq mi). 对中心密度的估计 阿迪朗达克每259平方公里(100平方英里)有15-30只土狼。.
  • 沟通 土狼通过化学、视觉、声音和触觉信号进行交流. 声音 包括咆哮,吠叫,呜咽和咆哮. 群嚎和汪汪叫是广告 领土和团聚的夫妇或家庭群体. 这两种发声是标志 of the coyote (and may be elicited by human imitations, sirens, and other loud noises). Urine and feces (coated with products from the anal glands) delineate boundaries of 家园范围,领土和旅行路线. 尾腺和指间腺起作用 in close-range encounters, dominants approach (with the tail and the hair on the back raised, ears forward) in a stiff-legged walk while exposing the teeth and snarling. Subordinates may respond by rolling over on the back, flattening the ears against 他的头“咧着嘴笑”,有时还会呜咽和撒尿. 这是其中的两个 具有信号功能的视觉姿势和运动模式.


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