

渔夫很像  but is larger and darker in color with white or cream (not orange or buff) colored 他们的腹部有补丁. 相当粗糙的皮毛又长又厚,略带光泽, 深棕色到黑色,尾巴、脚和背部颜色最深. 护毛,护毛 head, neck, and shoulders have white or golden brown tips, lightest and most conspicuous 老年男性. The cylindrical body is muscular, the legs short and stout; the feet 相对较大的,有锋利的可伸缩的爪子. 头很宽,有一个 short, narrow muzzle; small, dark eyes; and short, rounded ears. 长长的毛茸茸的尾巴 tapers toward the tip, and accounts for nearly half the total length of 80-102 cm (31.5-40.2 in). 重量在1之间变化.8-7.3公斤(4 -16磅). 雌性约占一半 雄性的体型.

(集市pennanti Erxleben): 桑德斯,D. A. 1988. 阿迪朗达克哺乳动物. State 大学ersity of New York, College of Environmental Science 和林业.216pp.

顺序: 食肉类
家庭: 鼬科


The former range was the forested regions of northern North America with some 人口 发生在阿巴拉契亚山脉南部. 消除了伐木和不受管制的捕获 这只大鼬鼠来自这片区域的大部分地区. 例如,在纽约的渔民 occurred only in central and western regions of the Adirondacks by the mid 1930's. After complete protection was extended to the fisher by the New York State Legislature in 1937, and with only limited harvests of this valuable furbearer during some 年 since, the fisher is again widespread in the Adirondacks, probably occurring in most 阿迪朗达克城镇. The Department of Environmental Conservation has successfully reintroduced 卡茨基尔的渔夫. 现在大约有3000到4000名渔民居住在 阿迪朗达克公园.

费舍尔 prefers mature coniferous and mixed forests with thick overhead cover, and avoids openings such as logged areas, especially in winter. 与貂不同的是, the fisher may also use deciduous forests, including dense second-growth stands. 季节性 changes in habitat use may occur, with some fishers leaving high elevations to spend 冬季在针叶林沼泽和低地针叶林.

除了照顾幼鱼外,渔民使用临时洞穴. 产房是 often tree cavities 6-9 m (20-30 ft) above the ground, but may include holes in the 地面或岩洞. 空心原木,树桩,灌木堆,废弃的海狸小屋, and openings within snow banks are other places fishers rest or sleep.


费舍尔 is an opportunistic omnivore, eating large quantities of seeds and fruits such as beechnuts, black cherries, and mountain ash berries when seasonally abundant. However, snowshoe hares, voles, mice, red squirrels, flying squirrels, and shrews 占饮食的大部分. 渔民通过在一个区域内来回奔跑来捕猎, 然后冲过去咬猎物,把它们冲走.

费舍尔’s reputation as a predator of white-tailed deer is exaggerated. 费舍尔 可能会把鹿当腐肉吃,对吧.g.但它也不会杀死成年鹿 有证据表明它捕食小鹿吗. 渔夫捕杀豪猪并以之为食 where they are abundant, perhaps in some areas even depressing Adirondack porcupine 人口. 费雪s, because of their size, speed, shape, and other adaptations, are the only predators that routinely kill this quill-laden rodent. 很少,一个渔夫 may attack a porcupine feeding in a tree, but most successful kills take place on the ground where the fisher can quickly circle and lunge at the porcupine, biting 它的脸,直到豪猪残疾. 然后渔夫开始吃鱼 豪猪的喉咙和腹部没有刺保护. 在几个跨度内 days, the fisher consumes all but the skin, large bones, and feet. 渔民确实有损失。 injuries from impacted quills, but seem more tolerant of these wounds than other predators. One porcupine will supply the energy requirements of an adult fisher for 10-35 days, 而一只雪鞋兔只够两只.5 - 8天.


费舍尔 is most active at twilight, but alternates periods of activity lasting 2-5 hours with bouts of resting or sleeping in temporary dens as it travels throughout 面积很大. 在24小时的时间里,渔夫走了大约1英里.5-3.0公里(1-2英里),但是 可以覆盖30公里(19英里),例如在寻找配偶时. 渔民很活跃 at all times of the year except during severe winter storms when they stay in their 巢穴,直到天气转暖. 尽管名字和渔夫的能力 要游得好,大部分活动都是在地面上进行的. 渔夫善于攀爬 trees, but does not travel from tree-top to tree-top, and does not often climb trees. 费雪s walk on the soles of their feet, but the usual means of locomotion is by running or bounding, the tail extended above the ground much like the posture of a house cat. This is the reason for one of the fisher’s colloquial names, black cat, and also why the fisher is sometimes confused with the gray fox or other large mammals.


In March or April, the female bears 1-6 (average 2 or 3) young which at birth are 失明的,被细小的灰色皮毛覆盖的. 雌鸟大部分时间都和 newborn young, leaving them for no more than 2-3 hours each day. 当年轻人成熟时, the female spends more time foraging, traveling directly to the boundaries of her 狩猎的范围. By 49 days of age, the eyes of the young open, and they are weaned 大约4个月大的时候. 幼鸟在秋天或初冬散开. 雌性繁殖 at one year of age; males may be 性ually mature at the same age but often do not 交配到第二年. 这种鱼的潜在寿命至少为10年 年. Adult females mate approximately 10 days after the birth of a litter, and thus 妊娠期327-358天. 大多数胚胎生长都发生在胚胎发育期间 last 30 days of the gestation period because of their delayed implantation.


Because of its size, agility, and aggressive behavior, the fisher has few predators. 土狼s, black bears, bobcats, and great horned owls may occasionally kill fishers, 尤其是年轻的.


  • 社会制度 - 费舍尔, a symbol of wilderness, is well known for its solitary habits. 成年人 associate briefly only for the purpose of breeding, and pair bonds are temporary or 不存在的. 目前还不确定是否有多个配偶被接受. 每个成年渔民 has a large home range, a male’s 10-26 sq km (4-10 sq mi) in area, and usually larger 而不是女性. 首页 ranges of the opposite 性 overlap, but not those of the same 性. 在最佳栖息地,密度可达到每2只鱼1只.6-7.5平方公里(1-3平方公里 mi).
  • 沟通 -肛门和其他腺体.g.在脚垫上,可能起着重要的作用 化学通讯. 成年人在树桩和雪堆上小便,并摩擦他们的 abdomens over these objects which are likely methods of scent marking. 声音 include a low chuckle, growls, hisses, snarls, grunts, and a crooning sound. 这些 occur in many contexts such as aggressive encounters and during mating, but their 功能未知.  


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