

This slender vole has relatively prominent, rounded ears, and long coarse fur, buffy to yellowish gray on the sides and silvery gray on the underparts of the body. 的 bicolored (dark brown above and gray below), sparsely haired, 35-45 mm (1.4-1.8 in) tail, and a bright reddish chestnut band along the back from the forehead to the base of the tail separate this species from other small mammals of the Adirondacks. 成年人 vary in total length from 136-150 mm (5.2-5.9 in), and weigh about 27 g (1.0 oz).

(Clethrionomys gapperi)

来自: 桑德斯,D. A. 1988. 阿迪朗达克哺乳动物. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science 和林业. 216pp

顺序: 啮齿目
家庭: 仓鼠科


的 range is the forested regions of Canada, the northern U.S. 东北部; to southwestern New Mexico and Arizona in the Rockies; and to northern Georgia in 阿巴拉契亚山脉. 的 southern red-backed vole occurs in all terrestrial habitats of the Adirondacks including alpine tundra, bogs, and swamp edges, and at all elevations. However, it prefers moist forests, especially the mixed coniferous-deciduous, with an abundant supply of logs, stumps, roots, rocks, and twigs which provide shelter, food, and moisture or humidity. Population levels, precipitation, and the relative abundance of other small mammals such as meadow vole influence local distribution 在边缘生境.

Red-backed voles build nest 7.6-10.2 cm (3-4 in) in diameter from plant materials such as sphagnum and dried leaves under logs and stumps; in the abandoned nests and dens of other mammals; but occasionally in trees or underground.

Food and Feeding Behavior

的 red-backed vole is primarily an herbivore, although it eats small invertebrates 很少. A diet of fruit, succulent vegetation, and especially fungi that it excavates from the forest floor indicates that dependence of this species on water, which is acquired from both food, and by drinking. In autumn, voles cache seeds, nuts, and roots near their nests for winter consumption, but the bark of deciduous trees and shrubs may be an important winter food when these are unavailable.


Although capable of jumping 15-20 cm (6-8 in) over obstacles, a red-backed vole usually travels by hoping, walking, or running. It swims and climbs well, and may forage in trees 2-3 m (7-10 ft) above the ground. During the winter, this vole is active during daylight hours under snow cover; during the rest of the year, the red-backed vole is primarily active at twilight or night.


Females bear 2-3 litters from late winter to late autumn, and may mate within 12 hours 分娩后. 的 average litter size is 4 or 5, but can vary from 2-8. 的 gestation period is 17-19 days. 的 young are weaned by 17-21 days of age. 年龄 sexual maturity is 60 days for females, somewhat longer for males. 几个红背 voles live 20 months, the potential life span. Most survive less than one year.


Merriam state that "the flesh of the red-backed mouse is tender and well flavored." (p 272) While few of us would test his judgment, many predators consume this rodent. A few of the Adirondack representatives are coyotes, short-tailed shrews, fishers, foxes, and broad-winged hawks.


  • 社会制度 - 的 red-backed vole is promiscuous, and other than temporary female-young groups, 孤独的. 成年人 either avoid others of the same sex or react aggressively. 国内范围 overlap, there size usually 01.-1.4 ha (0.35-3.56 acres), but sometimes much larger. Season, population density, and available food are important determinants of home 范围的大小. Local populations fluctuate, peaking at intervals of 3-6 years, and may build to 密度 of 65 per ha (26 per acre).
  • 沟通 - 的 behavioral interactions of this vole in the wild are not well known. 的声音, visual, tactile, and chemical signals are likely. 成年人 have hip glands which probably play a role in chemical communication. 成年人 tooth-rattle, squeal, chatter, and chur 当干扰.


费舍尔,R.L. 1968. An ecological study of the red-backed vole, Clethrionomys gapperi gapperi (Vigors) 在纽约中部. Unpubl. Ph. D. Disset.康奈尔大学.纽约伊萨卡. 79pp.

斯坦利·L.L. 和V. Ginzberg. 1968. Arboreal behavior of the red-backed vole, Clethrionomys gapperi. 动物的行为, 16:418-424.

Hatt R. T. 1930. 的 biology of the voles of New York. Roosevelt Wildlife Bulletin, 5(4):513-623.

柯克兰,G.L. Jr.,和R.J. 格里芬. 1974. Micro-distribution of small mammals of coniferous-deciduous forest ecotones 在纽约北部. Journal of Mammalogy, 55:417-427.

马爹利,.M. 1981. Food habits of southern red-backed voles (Clethrionomys gapperi) in northern 安大略. Canadian Field Naturalist, 95:325-328.

梅里特,J.F. 1981. Clethrionomys gapperi. Mammalian Species, 146:1-9.

帕特里克,E.F. 1962. Reproductive characteristics of red-backed mouse during years of differing population 密度. Journal of Mammalogy, 43:200-205.

Steblein P.F. 1984. Niche-habitat relations of red-backed vole, Clethrionomys gapperi (Vigors) from New York and Pennsylvania. Unpubl. M.S. 毕业论文,Shippensburg university.西盆斯贝格,, PA. 84pp.