

Red bats vary in color from brick red to buffy orange. 的 hairs of the back, and to a lesser extent, those of the chest, are tipped with white. 男性则更少 frosted with white, but are brighter in color than females. 男性和女性都有鱼尾纹 白肩贴. 的 unfurred portion of the tail membrane and wing membranes 是棕黑色的. 的 short, rounded ears and front limbs are rusty orange. 的 毛皮浓密而绵软. 的 total length is 95-126 mm (3.7-5.0 in). 雌性体型较大 比男性. Weight varies from 8-15 g (0.3-0.5 oz). When fully extended in flight, the narrow pointed wings have a span of 29-33 cm (11.4-13.0 in).

(Lasiurus北欧化工 Muller)

来自: 桑德斯,D. A. 1988. 阿迪朗达克哺乳动物. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science 和林业. 216pp

顺序: 翼手目
家庭: 蝙蝠科


的 range is from most of the southern half of Canada to Argentina and Chile, excluding the Rocky Mountains, some central western states, and the southern two-thirds of Florida 在美国.S. This summer resident of the Adirondacks may be more widespread than the few records of its occurrence indicates. Its solitary life style makes it less noticeable than colonial bats occupying buildings, mines, and caves. In most of the Northeast, the red bat is uncommon to rare. Merriam regarded 这个物种 as one the least common 阿迪朗达克地区的蝙蝠.

Food and Feeding Behavior

At the onset of its foraging flight 1-2 hours after sunset, the red bat flies slowly in an erratic pattern high over forests, forest edges, meadows, and fields, descending after 15-30 minutes to feed between ground and tree top heights, and adopting a straighter course or flying in a series of arcs. Individuals return to forage nightly over the same areas, usually within 300 m (1000 ft) of their day roosts. 有些可能会觅食 in close proximity with no apparent antagonism. Bouts of foraging may occur intermittently until dawn, but are most frequent in the hours following sunset and preceding dawn. Beetles and moths comprise 54 % by volume of the diet of a sample of 128 red bats from Indiana, but they also consumed large insects of many orders. 红色的蝙蝠 catch insects attracted to street and yard lights.


By day, red bats roost in the foliage of deciduous trees 1-12 m (3-40 ft) above the ground, selecting perches that are open from below to permit easy access, but otherwise densely shaded to hide them from predators. While roosting, 这个物种 hangs by one or both feet, and resembles a dead leaf. In September and October, red bats leave the Adirondacks, migrating into the southern parts of the range, and not returning 直到五月中旬或六月. On a level, straight course, the flight of this bat is swift, and it may attain a speed of 64 km/h (40 mph).


Red bats breed in August and September. Pairs initiate copulation while flying, sometimes 飞向地面. Fertilization does not occur until spring. 的妊娠 period is 80-90 days, after which the female produces a litter of 1-5 (average 2 or 3) young, the largest litter size of any bat. Females bear their annual litter in 六月底或七月. 的 young remain at the roost while their mother forages, grasping her with their wings and teeth to nurse when she returns. 的 young nurse until 35-42 days old when they become independent and disperse. Little is known about age of first breeding and longevity of the red bat, but the potential life span may be 12 years.


Blue jays prey upon young red bats. Great horned owls, merlins, American kestrels, sharp-shinned hawks, and opossums are occasional predators of adults.


  • 社会制度 - 的 red bat is promiscuous. For most of its life, 这个物种 is solitary except during mating and when a female cares for her young. Temporary associations occur during foraging, and at least for some, during migration (groups of 100 have landed on ships 100 miles from the Atlantic coast). In some parts of the range, red bats swarm at the entrances to caves in August, although they do not use them as winter 避难所. Swarming may facilitate mating.
  • 沟通 - While the communication of 这个物种 has not been studied, several anecdotal observations suggest a role for vocal and chemical signals in regulating social encounters. Migrating individuals may select the same perches used by red bats during previous nights, perhaps responding to chemical cues placed on the perch. 四套 facial glands are likely sources of substances. Caged red bats decoy free-ranging individuals, a fact that biologist use to their advantage when attempting to capture 这个物种. In flight, red bats chirp and squeak, as well as emit pulses of high 频率的声音. When handled, they produce raspy, buzzy sounds.


Shump K.A. Jr.,和A.V. Shump. 1982. Lasiurus北欧化工. Mammalian Species, 183:1-6.