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土拨鼠或土拨鼠是阿迪朗达克地区松鼠家族中最大的成员 and has grizzled, coarse fur. Above, the fur is brown to blackish brown, tipped with 褐色,白色或肉桂褐色,除了头顶和大部分 尾巴. The underparts are yellowish orange to chestnut. The cheeks and chin are buffy white to pale brown. Black (melanistic), partially black, or more commonly, 黑棕色阶段,护毛有光泽(缺乏浅色)的尖端, 是常见的. 身体紧凑,腿短而粗,头宽而短, 和平板. The bushy tail is short, about 10- 15 cm (4-6 in) in length. 短, 圆形的耳朵和眼睛位于头部的顶部,使土拨鼠能够 在不露出大部分头部的情况下,检查洞穴周围的区域. Large 旱獭 长约60厘米(24英寸),重13-33公斤(6-12磅),谁重 weight typical of individuals entering hibernation.

(Marmota monax Erxleben)

来自: 桑德斯,D. A. 1988. Adirondack 哺乳动物. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science 和林业. 216pp.

Range and Habitat

活动范围包括加拿大大部分地区,阿拉斯加中东部,以及美国东部的大部分地区 美国.S. except for parts of the South and Southeast. The woodchuck is most abundant 在阿迪朗达克公园周边的牧场、田野和草地上,但它确实发生了 在整个地区的空地、草地和道路边缘 以及海拔至少713米(2340英尺)的落叶和混交林。. 路边 和村庄是土拨鼠在阿迪朗达克中部最常见的地方.

土拨鼠生活在干燥、排水良好的土壤中挖洞. 洞穴可能 由直径约15厘米(6英寸)的简单隧道或一系列相互连接组成 隧道. 主要入口,以一个扇形土堆为标志,通常位于 在巨石或圆木的边缘,直径大约是隧道的两倍. 一个 或者更多的深坑,从隧道里挖出来,因此没有土丘, serve as inconspicuous auxiliary entrances. Burrow systems, especially those used 土拨鼠的后代可以延长15-30米(50-100英尺)的长度, but rarely exceed 2 m (6 ft) in depth. The nest is a ball-shaped structure of plant 一个木卡盘在一个大约38厘米(15英尺)深的地下洞穴中形成的纤维 in) in diameter. 土拨鼠可能有几个洞穴,通常沿着小路 其中10-15厘米(4-6英寸)宽,它们可能在夏季在开阔地区留下洞穴 在附近树林里的洞穴里过冬.

Food and Feeding Behavior

草本植物证明了这种食草动物的大部分饮食可能消耗 up to 681 g (1.5 lb) of vegetation per day. Clovers, grasses, dandelions, goldenrods, asters, and where available, alfalfa; garden crops such as corn, lettuce, peas, and beans are some of the plants the wood chuck prefers. The buds and even the barks of 一些落叶灌木和乔木是春天的食物,而水果,尤其是树莓, 黑莓、蓝莓、樱桃和苹果是夏季饮食的一部分. 动物 食物,主要是昆虫,占饮食的不到百分之一. 土拨鼠s forage 夏天的时候是清晨,下午晚些时候,春天是中午 和秋天. 脂肪储备而不是食物储备提供维持所需的能量 a woodchuck through the winter.

Activity and Movement: 与2月2日土拨鼠日的预期相反,很少有土拨鼠出现 search for their shadows. They are more likely to leave their burrows in March, mid to late March at higher elevations. 土拨鼠s are mainly diurnal, i.e., active during 白天的时间里,虽然春天第一批出生的年长雄性, may leave their burrows at night.

半穴居土拨鼠一生中大部分时间都在地下洞穴中度过 它有结实的爪子,有力的腿和结实的门牙,后者被使用 to cut through roots and pry loose small stones. The extensive burrowing of this species 在混合土壤和最终为长名单提供庇护所方面是否重要 of other wildlife.

土拨鼠在阿迪朗达克的许多道路上都很显眼,因为它们直立、警觉 它们在地面上活动时采取的周期性姿势,以及它们晒日光浴的习惯 on logs and rocks in the spring. 土拨鼠s usually move by ambling along on the soles 但可以以每小时16公里(10英里)的速度奔跑或疾驰 英里/小时). 它们善于游泳和攀爬,有时能爬到15米(50英尺)高的树上, but spend most of their time on or under the ground.

旱獭在九月和十月初开始冬眠,度过冬天 curled up in the nest in an earthen chamber plugged with soil. Physiological processes slow during hibernation, e.g., the heart rate declines to 4 or 5 beats per minute from the normal rate of 80-100 beats per minute. 土拨鼠s lose 30-40 percent of 它们的体重在冬眠时由于脂肪消耗殆尽,而出现憔悴和 thin in the spring.

Reproduction: 土拨鼠在春天出生后不久就会繁殖,雌性之间只生一窝 late April and early June. The gestation period is 30-33 days. Females give birth to 2-9 young (average 4-5) in an underground nest. The newborn are blind, hairless, pink, each weighing 28-43 g (1.0-1.5 oz). Their eyes open at day 28, and at this age 它们开始在洞穴外活动,雌性携带多肉植物 into the burrow for her young to eat. In July and early August, the young 旱獭 分散,一些挖临时洞穴附近的出生洞穴,后来建立自己的 home ranges in unoccupied habitat. A few may breed as yearlings, but most mature sexually as two year olds. Potential longevity is at least 6 years.


土拨鼠有很多捕食者,比如大型猛禽、土狼、狐狸、山猫、浣熊、 minks, black bears, and weasels.

Social Behavior

  • 社会制度 土拨鼠是独居的,除了家庭群体(雌性和幼鼠). 雄性交配 with one or more females, as, or soon after the females emerge from hibernation; females mate with only one male. 巢穴和觅食地点的可用性,以及它们各自的 地点影响家庭范围的大小、密度和社会组织. Adults defend a small territory around the burrow. Where populations are dense and portions of home 活动范围重叠,尤其是觅食地点,等级制度可能源于攻击性相遇. 从那以后,下属就会避开统治者,打架也就很少了. 首页 ranges vary from 直径37-805米(120-2640英尺),较小的范围具有典型的栖息地质量 as well, and in optimum habitat, may reach 12.5 旱獭 per ha (5 per acre).
  • Communication - 土拨鼠s have well-developed anal glands. Adults rub their muzzels on objects near the burrow; and adults and young press their muzzles together in “greeting” rituals. 位于嘴角内的腺体会产生一种有刺激性的物质 气味. Chemical cues are likely from both sets of glands. Vocalizations include “purrs”, “咕噜声”、“咔嗒声”和尖锐的“哨声”在警报语境中发出(因此是口语化) names siffleur, French for whistler, and whistle-pig). Adults tooth chatter or grate their teeth in aggressive situations. Various postures serve as visual signals.

Additional References

Barash D.P. 1974. Mother-infant relations in captive 旱獭 (Marmota monax). 动物 Behavior, 22:446 – 448.

汉密尔顿,W.J., Jr. 1934. The life history of the rufescent woodchuck, Marmota monax rufescens 豪厄尔. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 23:85 – 175.

McCarty,年代.L. 和D.J. 德克尔. 1983. 土拨鼠: New York’s illustrious digger. The New York State Conservationist, 37:6 – 11.

迈耶,H.T. 1982. Social organization and movement behavior of 旱獭 (Marmota monax) in woodland and field habitats in southeast Ohio. Unpubl. M.S. Thesis, Ohio Univ. 雅典. 37pp.

梅里厄姆,H.G. 1971. 土拨鼠 burrow distribution and related movement patterns. Journal of Mammalogy, 52:732 – 746.

Walro J.M., P.T. Meier和G.E. 斯文森主持. 1983. 与口腔角有关的气味腺的解剖学和组织学 旱獭. Journal of Mammalogy, 64:701 – 703.

Order: Rodentia