
Office of 商务
State Accounts Terminology

财务计划分发,在账户和子账户级别提交 the 预算 Control Officer. This data will be used to complete the SUNY Form I exercise 并将在博彩平台会计上反映为财政年度的开幕拨款 system for the funds reflected therein.

DIFR (Dormitory Income Fund Reimbursable)
宿舍收入报销基金(DIFR)提供运营和维护 of the College's dormitories. Utility, debt service, State Dormitory Authority overhead and insurance and fringe benefit costs associated with the operation of residence 宿舍费用包括管理、运营和维护费用. Room rent is the primary source of DIFR revenue.

The issuance of the actual check or ACH payment as payment of a voucher.

在一个账户的预算中对购买商品或服务的货币承诺的记录 via requisition, purchase order or contract.

FTE (Full Time Equivalent)
这是一个术语,表示比较全职人数的测量或标准 students, faculty and staff between or among departments or institutions. 为 为了预算指示的目的,这个定义仅限于它的适用性 给员工.

IFR (Income Fund Reimbursable)
一个自给自足的账户,产生收入并提供服务 not included in the state operating budget. These accounts have activities essential 对学院的使命和运作有明确的收入/支出 的关系. An IFR account must follow all State and campus purchasing and payroll regulations and procedures. The difference between an IFR account and a state operating 预算帐户是IFR产生自己的收入来支持其支出,而 a state operating budget account is supported by general State and SUNY revenues. The year-end cash balance in an IFR is carried over to the next year; it does not 回到国家. Each IFR account should maintain a positive cash balance. 记入该帐户的费用应由该帐户的收入支付 生成. Fringe benefits, administration and maintenance/overhead are additional charges the IFR accounts must bear.

Journal Entries (AC22 or JT)
转移成本或纠正错误收费的支出交易的机制 确切地说.

一个财政年度结束后(6月30日)的期间,在此期间对 that appropriation may still be paid and liquidated.

在为特定目的而指定的基金中,大学特有的报告水平 或使用. Examples include Instructional and Departmental 研究 (I & 博士),学生 Services (SS), and Institutional Support Services (ISS).函数是的子集 主要目的.

一个主要用途下的一组账户,用于相关性质的特定活动. 这些帐户组,由全国学院和大学协会定义 Business Officers (NACUBO), are used by the State University of New York and SUNY Potsdam for budgeting and accounting purposes. They are defined as follows:

Instruction and Departmental 研究 (00)
此类别包括所有学校、系、 and other divisions of the institution. Expenditures for departmental research not separately budgeted should be included in this function. This category/function excludes expenditures and allocations for academic administration (academic deans).

有组织的活动是为支持机构的服务而建立的计划 primary mission (instruction and research).This function includes the retention, preservation and display of educational materials (i.e., museums and galleries), a provision of 直接支持机构、媒体、 如视听服务,和教务管理(教务主任但不是) 部门主席).

这一职能包括专门组织制作节目的所有支出 研究成果. 研究 allocation can be awarded by an agency external to the institution or separately budgeted by the State of New York.

例如,从国家卫生研究所和州卫生组织收到的联邦资金 funds allocated in support of Sea Grant or Marine Science. 这个类别没有 include departmental research associated with Instructional 研究.

公共服务是一项职能,它包括主要为下列目的而设立的基金 提供有益于外部团体或个人的非指导性服务 致机构. This function includes community service programs and cooperative 推广服务. Some examples are conferences, general advisory services, consultation, public broadcasting services and continuing education. These services should be outside 机构的教学、研究和学术支持服务的背景.

此功能包括直接支持收集、编目、 储存和分发出版的材料,主要是为了支持该机构的 学术项目.

该职能包括中央行政服务、招生、财政援助、 学生记录,咨询服务和学生活动,其主要目的 是对学生的情感和身体健康以及他们的智力, 正式教学计划之外的文化和社会发展. 它的目的是通过支持一般扩大学生的教育经验 为学生文体活动和各项活动的建立提供支持 special student groups and organizations.

Maintenance and Operations (06)
维护与操作功能由与维护相关的业务组成 在现有场地和设施中,公用事业(电、水、气)的成本, 燃料和污水),以及物理工厂扩建和改造的规划和设计.

General Administration (07)
该功能由与…相关的所有中央执行级别活动组成 overall management and long-range planning functions of the entire institution. 包括 在这一职能中有行政指导、财务管理和中央各方面的职能 机构的行政职能,以及与之有关的活动 personnel records for faculty and staff.

Auxiliary Enterprises (11)
The Auxiliary Enterprise covers both residence halls and food service. 两个函数 exist to furnish goods or services to students, faculty or staff. 收取费用 that is directly related to the costs of the goods or services. 的区别 辅助企业的特点是对其进行本质管理 self-supporting activities.

这一类别包括提供给本科生和研究生的所有经济援助 以助学金、实习津贴、奖学金和奖学金的形式向学生提供资助 administered by the institution.

Educational Opportunity Center (69)
该功能是支持直接援助、辅导、咨询和行政管理 course for our equal opportunity program. This program was established to provide 学业上有能力的弱势学生有机会上大学.

有三个重要的费用类别(主要对象),个人服务,常规 (PSR), Temporary Service (TS), and Other Than Personal Services (OTPS).在 主要对象类别是识别具体支出的更详细的子对象代码 类型.

OTPS (Other Than Personal Service)
The major object for all expenditures not related to 工资. 包括在OTPS 用品(3000)、差旅(4000)、合同(5000)和设备(7000)的子项目.

博彩平台报告的已启动但尚未正式启动的交易进行分类 approved and posted on the books of the Office of State Comptroller.

仓库(9200)、电话(9300)、邮件(9400)、复印等校园服务 (9500), and Automotive (9600) are recharged back to the appropriate account.

SMRT (SUNY Management Resource Tool)
A web-based application for viewing information in appropriated accounts. 这种集成的 工具生成帐户余额、月末、采购订单、工资汇总和交易 详细的报告. The SMRT database holds information for the current fiscal year and the past two fiscal years for SUNY appropriated accounts.

State Purpose (Operating Funds)
Appropriations approved by the Legislature in the State Operations budget. 基金 used to support direct expenditures of New York State agencies.

SUTRA (State University 学费 Reimbursement Account)
自持收入为产生收入和支出的可偿还帐户提供资金 specific to SUNY Canton's Summer Session, Winterim and Overseas Programs.

Balance of allocation still available for commitments and expenditures.

A documentary record of a business transaction denoting payment due the payee.