



You may find it easiest to answer Question 3 first, then 2, then 1 and 4.

  1. 简要解释为什么这项研究很重要.  这对谁重要呢?  让你的 回答与尽可能广泛的受众相关的问题. 
  1. 目的: 什么 question(s) will you answer with your research?
  1. Describe the results of your work, in a small number of phrases.  这些结果应该 回答你在上面第2部分中提出的问题.  如果答案是否定的,那就换个问题 所以他们做了.
  1. 写出论文的结论.  结论应与一般情况有关 你在第一部分描述的论文动机.  如果你不小心写到了 你的结果,把这些语句移到结果中.  你可能需要修改一下你的答案 到第一部分来匹配你在这里给出的答案.


  1.  简要解释为什么这项研究很重要.  这对谁重要呢? 让你的答案吸引尽可能多的听众.

Global warming threatens ecological systems, coastal cites, and decisions about energy 使用.  If C loss from terrestrial ecosystems is increased by warming, this amplifies 温室效应.

  1. Write a statement that identifies the problem you  were trying to solve in your research.  You may write the statement as a question or as a declaration of the problem that 你解决. 

试着组合下面两个不同的语句.  把每个回答限制在一个问题上 or sentence that is written succinctly and without ambiguity.

  1. 什么 is the effect of increasing nighttime 温度 on net C flux in terrestrial ecosystems?
  2. 增加 night 温度 should ca使用 increased C losses, beca使用 of higher respiration, but also increased C sequestration, beca使用 growing season length is limited by night 温度.  Will the positive effect of increased growing season length overcome the negative 呼吸增加的影响?
  1. Describe the results of your work, in a small number of bulleted phrases. 包括 只选择与你的结论相关的结果. 这些结果应该 回答你在上面第2部分中提出的问题.  如果他们不这样做,改变你的问题,让他们这样做.

Respiration losses exceed growing season gains in most ecosystems.


  1. 写出论文的结论.  结论应与一般情况有关 motivation for the paper that you describe 在第1部分.  如果你不小心写到了 结果, move those statements to the 结果.  你可能需要修改一下你的答案 to part 1 to match the answer you give 在这里.

Models that do not account for differential warming between night and day will not correctly predict the effect of global change on C balance.  陆地面积估计 随着气候变暖而损失的碳可能被低估了.


  1. 使用中描述的积分系统 Carlos Galindo-Leal的生态学101 (Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, October 1996).  Make a column for each of the possible authors of your paper, and assign points for 你的各种贡献.  包括你自己!
    1. 规划
    2. 执行
    3. 分析
    4. 解释
    5. 写作
  1. Do the five categories of contributions suggested by Galindo-Leal seem appropriate 对于你的项目?  If you prefer, try applying a point system with different categories, such as those 由亨特或迪克森和康纳提出.
  1. Name your authors, in the order you propose to list them on your publication.
  1. 你的清单是否符合任何客观的积分系统?  If not, what were the other factors that influenced your decision?

  2. 您将在致谢部分列出谁?

  1. Identify two or three internal reviewers who might be willing to read your manuscript before it is sent out to a journal (or to this class for peer review).  The fewer authors you have reading your paper, the more you need "friendly" reviewers.


Identify five refereed journals in which you feel a manuscript describing your research 可以发表.  Find and copy the most recent instructions to authors 发布ed by these journals.  Instructions often appear in the first or last issue of a volume and may appear only 每年在期刊上发表一次  每年一卷以上.  或者,你也可以在出版商的网站上找到它们.

Be prepared to discuss factors that may influence the choice of a journal for your 下节课交稿子.

  1. List two to five factors that are influential in your selection of the most appropriate 这份手稿的期刊.  按照重要性的递减顺序列出它们.
  1. Given the factors you listed above, name two to four journals for which you feel your 手稿可以写.  圈出所选期刊的名称.
  1. Characterize your perception of the journal you’ve chosen (reputation, audience, overall 质量,出版时间,接受率). 
  1. 你的日记 指定
    1. 文本的长度
    2. 摘要的长度
    3. 图表或表格的数量
    4. 页面的指控
    5. 要求 章节必须将结果与讨论分开?  是否有单独的结论或总结部分?


目的: This exercise will give you a chance to think about the comparative advantages of 以表格或图形格式显示数据.  It will also give us some material to 使用 in class when we ask what qualities contribute 到有效的表格和数字.

You may 使用 some of your own material for this exercise, or you may 使用 a table or figure from an article of your choice in any refereed journal (presumably one similar 到你要出版的那一本).  If you make your own, follow the format 要求 by the journal in which you will 发布.


Select a table from your own manuscript or a 发布ed paper.  Using some or all of the data in the table, create a two-dimensional figure (plot, 图),描述结果.  Consider carefully whether to 使用 a line plot, scatter plot, histogram, etc.  You might want to try more than one type of plot, but submit only the one you think 是最有效的.  Provide an informative caption for the figure you have constructed.  Submit the table you selected along with the figure you produced.

Alternatively, select a figure from your own manuscript or a 发布ed paper.  Estimate the data points and construct a table to present them clearly.  Use the table format accepted by the journal to which you plan to submit your article.  Provide an informative title for your newly constructed table.  Submit a photocopy of the figure you selected along with the table you've produced.

If you 使用 your own material, produce both a table and a figure from the same data 集. 

 分享到你的图表的链接 694年 谷歌文档.

Finally, write a paragraph or two in which you provide a general critique of the advantages 和使用表格的缺点. 描述数据的图形(图、图).  然后讨论哪种方法最适合你使用的数据.  请 be sure to address the following questions in your response.

  • 为什么 do you prefer one method over the other for these data?
  • 你是如何决定使用哪种类型的情节的?
  • Would it be preferable to place some or all of these data in the text rather than 在表格或图表中(图、图)?为什么?