
Office of 经济援助及奖学金

如果我(在乎): Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds

环境科学与林业学院成立了橡实应急项目 援助基金(AEAF)提供补助金,以支持意外的财政需要 to COVID-19 and COVID-19 response measures.  These grants, available through the Federal Coronavirus 援助, Relief, and Economic 安全(关怀)法案,旨在帮助面临经济困难的养学生, 由于冠状病毒造成的紧急或一次性困难,如食物、住房、课程 materials, technology, health care, and child care.  拨款的目的是减轻短期财政需要,并加以管理 由学生事务处与财政援助办公室合作 and Scholarships and the 财务主管’s Office.  Grants awarded do not need to be repaid.

养确认该院校的授权代表已签署并交回 向教育部提交证书和协议以及机构 已经使用或打算使用不少于50%的根据第 《网赌平台》18004(a)(1)条 to provide emergency grants to students.

  • 2020年6月10日,养从教育部收到了840,870美元 Certification and Agreement for Emergency Grants to 学生.

  • 社发基金估计,该校有1,731名学生合资格申请资助 根据《网赌平台》第18004(a)(1)条,在第一和第二阶段提供紧急拨款.

  • 截至2020年11月24日,养已向650名(不重复)学生分发了609,025美元 量 ranging from $25 to $5,499.

  • 截至2020年12月31日,养已向651名学生(不重复)分发了840,870美元 量 ranging from $100 to $5,499.


  • 截至2020年7月10日,根据第18004(a)(1)条,基金共向0名学生发放了$0 《网赌平台》.


  • 截至2020年8月25日,养已向科下的41名学生分发了25,897美元 《网赌平台》18004(a)(1)条, with 量 ranging from $100 to $1,780.


  • 截至2020年9月30日,养已向总共472名(未复制)学生分发了412,647美元 根据《博彩平台》第18004(a)(1)条,支付100美元至2,500美元不等的罚款.

  • 从2020年8月25日至2020年9月30日,养向449名学生发放了386,750美元(包括副本) 根据《博彩平台》第18004(a)(1)条,罚款金额为500美元至4,499美元.

  • 截至2020年12月31日,养已向651名(未重复)学生分发了840,870美元 根据《博彩平台》第18004(a)(1)条,罚款金额为100美元至5,499美元.

  • 从2020年1月10日至2020年12月31日,养向631人分发了428,223美元(包括副本) 根据《网赌平台》第18004(a)(1)条,向学生提供25美元以下的补助 to $4,920.

  • 提交最后季度报告,其中包括本科的所有基金支出 《网赌平台》18004(a)(1)条.

CARES Act Institutional Share Report for September 30, 2020

CARES Act Institutional Share Report for December 31, 2020

CARES Act Institutional Share Report for March 31, 2021


  • 本科或研究生攻读学分课程的学生 during the semester in which the impact occurred.

  • 学生必须有经过证明的学术进步记录,并通过获得的学分进行验证。 GPA, and be in good academic standing.

  • 学生应该在财政援助和奖学金办公室存档FAFSA.

  • 学生必须能够提供足够的经济困难文件作为 在申请表格上必须填写(e.g. certification statement, billing statements, receipts, 修理费用等.).

  • International and undocumented (DACA) students are not eligible.

  • 学生 in online only degree programs are not eligible.


  • Grants will not generally exceed $1,000 and are specific to the identified needs. Generally, students will be eligible for one grant only. 优先考虑 根据联邦援助方法确定的经济需求最高的学生.

  • 奖助金金额将根据允许的总金额计算和调整 根据预期家庭贡献(EFC) (as calculated by the FAFSA), and the total volume of approved applications. AEAF拨款 是否可以支付因校园运作中断而造成的费用 COVID-19大流行. This includes technology and connectivity needs related to distance 学习、书籍和其他教学费用、住房/租金/水电费、食品/杂货、 medical/dental bills, and child care.

  • AEAF助学金不能支付学费或杂费、法律罚款/费用、停车罚单/罚款、 health insurance, and/or study abroad costs.

  • 允许费用明显高于1000美元的学生也可以提交 a written and signed request for additional consideration. 必须提交请求 有一份完整的申请表和具体显示费用的文件 量.


奖学金将根据获批准的申请,在两年内采用分级制度颁发 优先级.  Amounts may be adjusted based on available funds, total of allowable expenses, and total volume of approved applications.  下面列出的金额则不是 保证.

优先考虑1:佩尔助学金获得者和家庭贡献最低的学生 (EFC) as calculated by a fully valid FAFSA.

  • 100% of up to $1,000 of allowable expenses for EFC range 0 to 5,576

  • 75% of up to $1,000 of allowable expenses for EFC range 5,577 to 10,000

  • 50% of up to $1,000 of allowable expenses for EFC range 10,001 to 15,000

  • 25% of up to $1,000 of allowable expenses for EFC range 15,001 or higher

Priority 2: Title IV Eligible graduate and undergraduate students with the lowest Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as calculated by a fully valid FAFSA.

  • 100% of up to $1,000 of allowable expenses for EFC range 0 to 5,576

  • 75% of up to $1,000 of allowable expenses for EFC range 5,577 to 10,000

  • 50% of up to $1,000 of allowable expenses for EFC range 10,001 to 15,000

  • 25% of up to $1,000 of allowable expenses for EFC range 15,001 or higher


All funds have been expended and applications are no longer being accepted. To be considered for funding, students must submit a fully completed application. 应用程序 must be submitted by June 21, 2020 for priority consideration. 应用程序 received after this date will be considered based on available funding. 完成 and signed applications should be submitted to the Office of the Dean for Student 事务 studenthelp@养.edu 或通过财政援助部分提供的安全文件交换上传 在My养门户网站 http://my养.养.edu.


原奖励计划(第一阶段)按设计实施,面向所有学生 the opportunity to apply for funding through HEERF by a priority deadline. 数量 收到的申请数量明显低于预期,导致开支增加 远低于分配的数量.  第二阶段 has been designed to more effectively provide 向受影响的学生提供资金,同时仍然符合资金的意图和优先顺序 指定学生. Phase 1 funds will still be awarded according to the original 计划和持续的基础上. Funds from 第二阶段 will be awarded as a base eligibility amount for impacted students in addition to anything awarded 从第一阶段开始.


电子邮件和纸质信件将发送给选定的收件人,以提供通知 的金额,并要求填写随附表格与 需要认证.

裁决金额的决定 - 第二阶段

根据教育部目前的指导,将计算奖励 for a pool of students who meet Title IV eligibility requirements only. 优先级 将会是:


  • 100% of base award amount for Pell Eligible (EFC 0 to 5,576)

  • 75% of base amount for EFC range 5,577 to 10,000

  • 50% of base amount for EFC range 10,001 to 15,000


  • 100% of base award amount for EFC range 0 to 5,576

  • 75% of base amount for EFC range 5,577 to 10,000

  • 50% of base amount for EFC range 10,001 to 15,000


The campus goal is to fund as many students as possible. 完成 certification statements will be accepted until a guarantee period. Forms received after the guarantee period will be processed on a funds-available basis.
应用程序 received 从第一阶段开始 will still be reviewed and awarded as possible 也.


The 第二阶段 awarding plan was implemented as designed. 获选的得奖者获颁 based on a returned and signed certification statement. 第二阶段的资金已经发放 作为受影响学生的基本资格金额,除了任何奖励 从第一阶段开始.


第三阶段的获奖者将收到一封包含建议语言的电子邮件通知信 provided by SUNY confirming that the funds can only be used for expenses incurred 由于中断.

裁决金额的决定 - 第三阶段

鉴于 当前的 guidance from the Department of Education and SUNY, awards will be calculated for a pool of students who meet Title IV eligibility requirements only. 此外,Phase 3 .奖学金只颁发给在第一阶段或第一阶段获得奖学金的学生 2. Phase 1 recipients who did not receive funding at the 100% level will receive a supplemental amount raising the total award to the total approved amount. 第二阶段 受助人将根据该阶段获得按比例分配的补充金额 2 tiers and the total amount of remaining funds.


第三阶段 量 will utilize all remaining CARES Act funds and will only be given 完成第一阶段申请并获得第二阶段证书的学生 表述,或者两者都有.


有关Acorn紧急援助基金的更多信息,请联系办公室 of the Dean for Student 事务 studenthelp@养.edu or 315.470.6660.
For more information about 第二阶段, contact the Office of 金融援助 at finaid@养.edu or 315.470.6706

